AI videos
Built for e-commerce

Create influencer videos, UGC videos & product videos in seconds, directly from your Shopify listing.

Meet effortless video creation

Generate Stunning Product Videos in a Click

Ecommerce-specific templates

Choose from proven templates, designed to showcase your products and drive shopper engagement.
Select from dozens of avatars, tweak scripts, adjust music, and edit visuals to match your brand.

Seamless Shopify integration

Automatically pull product details and imagery from your Shopify listings to create product videos at scale.

One-click publish to site, socials, emails & channels

Easily publish across your online store, integrate into emails and SMS, or post on social media and paid ads.

Unlimited visuals to create the perfect video, effortlessly.

Instantly generate shots and images, change backgrounds, and bring your products to life with Buñu’s AI.

Powerful drag-and-drop editor

Customize and adjust your videos effortlessly – No editing skills required.

All-in-one e-commerce
video. Powered by AI.

Create influencer videos, UGC videos & product videos
in seconds, directly from your Shopify listing


5 AI Videos, 15 Free Credits

  • AI video generation
  • E-commerce templates
  • Synced with your products
  • Connect video sources
  • AI-powered images and shots
  • Download or publish


50 AI Videos, 100 Credits

  • Everything in Free, plus:
  • Generate up to 25 minutes of video
  • 1-click publish to your site, emails, Shop app
  • Monthly renewal
  • AI-powered images and shots
  • Download or publish

Ready to elevate your online store
with AI-generated videos?

Join thousands of Shopify merchants who are already using Buñu to increase their sales.